Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Florida Vacation!

Sorry it's been so long since I last blogged anything. We've had a lot going on since. Blair has started at the Lineman college in Boise. We put our house up for sale in anticipation of having and wanting to move once Blair finishes. Our house ended up getting an offer the next day after being put on the market so we have been getting moved out and a few things repaired. It's been a crazy busy month. I also got the opportunity to go the Florida with my family. Yes- I took the twins with me. It was busy and fun and lots of work but well worth the effort. Blair was unable to go because of his school schedule but that didn't stop me from going and having a good time. So here are some fun pics from Florida.


The Allen Fam said...

Looks like you had fun!! Yay for selling your house, that is always a nice relief! I can't believe how big your two cuties are getting! They are adorable!!

Hamblin Family said...

What a fun vacation! Glad you're back and so is Blair, I'm sure!

Silcock Family said...

You did it! Good for you, traveling is sometimes really hard to do with kids but looks like it was worth it!

Brady said...

That was sure a fun vacation. Maybe we'll see you guys living out East in a few months?!

Paty said...

Wow, looks like you guys had a lot of fun. It's also nice to see updated pictures, it's hard to believe how big our kids are already. Are both the twins walking pretty good? My girls love to walk and chase each other (trying to steal a toy the other one has). Anyway, congratulations on the house!