Heres Madison just chillin with her mom. She actually had a slight cold at the time so she wasn't feeling all that into things.
Great-Grandma Merz
As usual Blair's on the clean-up crew.
Heres Grandpa and Grandma
Madison liked the paper and tried her best to claw open her presents. She of course looked at her toys and clothes and could care less. But I like to think she enjoyed the overall fun of things.
Heres Cassidy with her new barbie and barbie castle. The night before she was so excited because she had asked Santa for a blue barbie. So Blair and I were debating if we needed to make a run to Walmart and make a switch. It didn't matter she ended up just as excited about the pink barbie she got.
Statton really enjoyed his hot wheels track. He loved to watch the car jump off the end. He would get a little frustrated becaused he couldn't get the lever to pull back to launch the car. But with a little help from dad and mom he was just fine.
Just a cute shot of the kids with some of their gifts. Doesn't Cassidy look thrilled to be having her picture taken.
Statton's cooperating nicely.
Both the kids are trying so hard to be patient while mom snapped some pictures. As usual we had a fun Christmas. Everyone got just what they needed or wanted. We had dinner later that day with my brother Carl's family. We went later that night to Blair's parents and opened some gifts with them.
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