Thursday, August 4, 2011

Swim lessons

Well since there is not much to do in Barstow I was getting bored and wanted something to keep us occupied for a few weeks so I thought swim lessons would be the best fit. The kids love the water and it would be something to keep us busy for a while. I didn't really expect them to learn much like I said I was more just wanting something to keep us busy. So our first day they tested the kids to see where their water ability level was and then broke them up into seperate classes. So 9am for swim lessons is pretty early and it's not the warmest time of the day so the kids weren't the most thrilled about being cold that early in the morning.

They took the little kids on the first day over into the kiddie pool just to let them blow bubbles and paddle on the edge. As you can see Cassidy mostly just cried that first day and kept telling me she was cold. Statton on the other hand wandered around the kiddie pool playing and splashing instead of listening to the lifeguard when she asked him to do things. Silly kids. I had to keep reminding myself that this was just for fun and not to get worked up that they weren't following directions all the time.

This was the end of day one.

Well the next few times after that first day went much better. I had a few talks with the kids about going to swim lessons and how they need to listen to their teacher and stay with their class. Cassidy assured me that she wasn't going to cry either. Thanks Cassidy that would be nice.

So by the time our two week session of swim lessons was over both Cassidy and Statton were floating on their backs and would paddle on their belly's and put their face in the water. I was proud of them for being good listeners and willing to try what their teacher asked them to try. Good job!

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