Monday, March 3, 2008

Rollercoaster Ride....

Well having two babies in the NICU is certainly a roller coaster ride. Saturday morning we arrived at the hospital only to be told that Cassidy's eating so good and doing so well that she'll be ready to go home as early as monday but Statton was dragging his feet in the eating department so they would probably release her before him. Well talk about panic mode. How do I take care of one baby at home without the other? Who would watch her for a bit while I ran to the hospital to take care of him? So the doctor was having us get things arranged in order to make this new series of events feasible. Blair and I had to make a quick panic run to the Baby store and pick me up the items I would need to take care of a newborn here in Ogden. All my stuffs at home in Burley. This wasn't how this was suppose to go. AAGH! Well then Sunday evening I had come back to the hospital only to find out that Cassidy has started having bloody stools again. So she was taken off the milk, IV was put back in and back in the isolette she went. :( The xray of her abdomen was showing a concerning area where it might just be inflammation. So once again were back to square one. The Dr. is going to try and rest her belly again and see if that spot will clear up on its own. Were hoping thats all it is and nothing serious.
So once again we are on a rollercoaster ride. Good news one moment and within a few hours your whole situation changes and your back to worry and feeling helpless. Statton is slowly taking to his feedings but keeps dropping his heart rate once in awhile. It was scary on Sunday evening when the nurse had to walk over and rub his back a little bit and give him oxygen because he had dropped his oxygen levels and wasn't coming back up on his own. We continue to worry and pray for these little babies. We thought things were going well enough that these babies might be home by this weekend but with all these new turn of events it's looking like it might be longer. Everything changes from day to day so you never know what might happen. We are certainly grateful for the blessings we have received and continually pray to Heavenly Father to help us get through this difficult time and help these babies.

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