Thursday, June 27, 2013

Polynesian Center Part 2

Here we are at the River Parade. Each culture comes down on a boat. 

 Here we are after the Tahiti show. Their show was about a wedding ceremony. So here is the happy couple. Their trying to show the kids how to do the "shocka" again.
 Cassidy came and told me after this picture that the girl gave her a kiss on the cheek and she thought that was so neat.
 Here we are taking a boat ride down the river. This is what we were riding on when I got the call from Blair that our offer on the house in Thermopolis had been accepted.

 We went back to the Samoa hut so we could learn how to make fish on a pole out of leaves. The kids loved their fish. The girl even made us some cubes out of leaves.
 Our favorite part. The Luau. We're all enjoying our smoothies in cutout pineapples.

 Kailyn is showing us how much she is enjoying mom's pineapple drink.
 Sarah with baby Abrie.
 Grandpa and Grandma with their pineapples.

 After the luau we wanted to go over and have the kids pictures taken with these statues. I can't remember what culture these Statues were associated with.

 Trying to get all the kids to hold still for a good picture was difficult. So here we are.
Statton, Abrie, Madison, Cassidy, and Kailyn.
 Now we are off to the night show. They don't let you take pictures during so this is us before it started.

 My kids enjoyed the show especially the part where they come out and twirl fire and the guys play around with the fire on the ground and sitting on it.
All my kids passed out on the drive home to Sarah's house. I was able to pack them all inside. Get them dressed for bed. Take them to the bathroom. Sleeping in a bed without even batting an eye. Now that's a good day!

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